Cluster Installation On Physical Hosts:

In this post, we will see how easily we can install MySQL Cluster on different physical hosts. One can install MySQL Cluster on a single host too. If you are wondering what MySQL Cluster is then please look into my previous post.

MySQL Cluster Installation:

Lets create a MySQL Cluster with the following environment:

  • MySQL Cluster 8.0.22 version

  • 2 Management servers

  • 4 Data nodes servers

  • 2 Mysqld servers

  • 4 API nodes

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Hostname and IP address of all the nodes in the MySQL Cluster:

Management Node1 (mgmt1):
        Hostname: cluster-test01, IP:

Management Node2 (mgmt2):
        Hostname: cluster-test02, IP:

Data Node1: Hostname: cluster-test03, IP:

Data Node2: Hostname: cluster-test04, IP:

Data Node3: Hostname: cluster-test05, IP:

Data Node4: Hostname: cluster-test06, IP:

Mysqld Server 1 (mysqld1):

                   Hostname: cluster-test07, IP:

Mysqld Server 2 (mysqld2):

                   Hostname: cluster-test08, IP:

Get the MySQL Cluster binaries:

One can get the source code from the github and complete the build. Alternatively, can download debian packages for Ubuntu Linux 20.04 (x86, 64-bit) from the linkInstruction to install MySQL Cluster from a debian package can be found here.

In the below demo, I have downloaded the source code, build and then install it on respective hosts. Once we are done with the installation, then the next step is to prepare the configuration files. Here we need two config files. One is for cluster (config.ini) where we will mention the details about all the nodes IP address, port, filesystem path etc and the other one is for MySQL server (my.cnf) where we mentioned about cluster connect-string, hostname, port, socket etc. Set all the required path on each host like DataDir, management node logs, undo logs, disk
data files etc on their respective host.

Cluster configuration file (config.ini) should reside on all of the management servers BASE_DIR while MySQL server configuration file (my.cnf) should reside on all of the mysqld servers BASE_DIR. BASE_DIR is the directory on hosts where mysql cluster binaries are present. One can keep these configuration files at any other directory path but then while passing the configuration file, we should mention the complete path.

A sample config.ini file looks like below:

[ndbd default]

NoOfReplicas = 2

DataMemory= 5G

DataDir={BASE_DIR}/ndbd/data/ #data directory for all the data nodes


#Management node 1

NodeId = 1

HostName =

#Management node 2

NodeId = 2

HostName =


#Data node 1

NodeId = 3

HostName =


#Data node 2

NodeId = 4

HostName =


#Data node 3

NodeId = 5

HostName =


#Data node 4

NodeId = 6

HostName =


#API node 1

NodeId = 45


#API node 2

NodeId = 46


#API node 3

NodeId = 47


#API node 4

NodeId = 48

A sample my.cnf file looks like below:


#IP address of both the management nodes


# Options for ndbd process:


#IP address of both the management nodes











You can download sample configuration files from the reference manual.
Once the configuration file is ready, the next step is to install the mysqld server on both the host (cluster-test07, cluster-test08).

Initialize the mysqld installation:

Run the below command from the mysqld hosts (cluster-test07, cluster-test08):

BASE_DIR> bin/mysqld --basedir=<path of BASE_DIR> --datadir=<path of mysqld data directory> --initialize-insecure

From the below image, one can see that mysqld server has been successfully installed on the first mysqld host (cluster-test07).

Do the same for the second mysqld server (mysqld2) on host cluster-test08.

From the below image, we can see that mysqld server has been installed on the 

second mysqld host (cluster-test08).

Now Start the cluster:

Starting sequence of all the nodes:

The management node(s) should br started first, then all of the data nodes and

at the end all of the mysqld servers.

  • Start the management node(s)

  • Start all the data nodes

  • Start the mysqld server(s)

Start the management nodes one by one on the hosts cluster-test01 and cluster-test02. Below, BASE_DIR is the directory on hosts where mysql cluster binaries resides.

Mgmt 1:

BASE_DIR of management server 1 (cluster-test01)>

bin/ndb_mgmd \

--config-file={BASE_DIR}/mgmt_data/mgmt_config.ini \

--config-dir={BASE_DIR}/tmp \

--initial --ndb-nodeid=1

Mgmt 2:

BASE_DIR of management server 2 (cluster-test02)>

bin/ndb_mgmd \

--config-file={BASE_DIR}/mgmt_data/mgmt_config.ini \

--config-dir={BASE_DIR}/tmp \

--initial --ndb-nodeid=2

Start the first management node from host cluster-test01:

Start the second management node from host cluster-test02:

Running the second mgmt server (mgmt2):

Check the status of the management nodes:

Lets check the status of both the management servers from the management 

client (bin/ndb_mgm).

BASE_DIR> bin/ndb_mgm

To check the status of MySQL Cluster, run ‘show’ command from the
management client (bin/ndb_mgm).

We can see that both the management servers are up and running.

Start all the data nodes:

Lets start all the data nodes process running and then get the data nodes to form a cluster. This can be achieved thru ‘-n’ option with ndbmtd. This option (-n) is useful when we have more data nodes running on the cluster say 48 data nodes. Below, BASE_DIR is the directory on hosts where mysql cluster binaries resides.

BASE_DIR of data node host>
bin/ndbmtd -n  \
--ndb-connectstring=management1_hostname:1186,management2_hostname:1186 --initial

All of the data node processes are running, and ready to form a cluster.

Check the status of all the data nodes:

Lets check the status of the all the data nodes by running ‘show’ command from the management client (bin/ndb_mgm):

The status ‘not started’, shows that data node processes are running, but are not attempting to start yet. To start a data node process, issue a ‘start’ command from the management client.

ndb_mgm> data_node_id start

From the below image, we can see that all the data nodes have started successfully.

Now check the status of the data nodes again from the management client:

We can see that all the data nodes are up and running.

Start the mysqld server(s):

Now the last step is to start all the mysqld server from their respective host (cluster-test07, cluster-test08). Make sure we have the configuration file called ‘my.cnf’ present at the BASE_DIR. Below, BASE_DIR is the directory on hosts where mysql cluster binaries resides.

mysqld1: BASE_DIR> bin/mysqld --defaults-file={BASE_DIR}/my.cnf &
mysqld2: BASE_DIR> bin/mysqld --defaults-file={BASE_DIR}/my.cnf &

Check the status of the mysqld server(s):

Lets check the status of both the mysqld server from the management client (bin/ndb_mgm).

We can see that our new cluster is now up and running, hurray... 😀

Connect to NDB cluster using the mysql client:

Lets start the mysql client and connect to the MySQL Cluster which we have just created. Then we can create a database, a table and execute some transactions on the table.

Create a database and table:

To create a table in MySQL Cluster, table must be created with engine=ndbcluster or engine=ndb else it will be created in Innodb engine. Its a good practise to enable the warnings while doing any transactions on a table. 

Also lets insert few rows into the table ‘actor’.

Lets check the table to see the rows we have just inserted:

Lets do one delete operation on the table ‘actor’ and then check again :

We can see that row number ‘6’ is successfully deleted from the table. So we have created a cluster and executed some transactions on it. Lets connect to the cluster thru mysql client from the second mysql server (mysqld2) and verify that all table data exist:

MySQL client started from the second mysqld server. Check the database ‘test1’ and table ‘actor’ exists.

Lets check the rows inside the table ‘actor’.

From the first mysql client, we have deleted row#6 which is not seen from second mysql client. Lets delete one row (row#3) from the table and verify that first mysql client from server mysqld1, see the same result.

Lets connect from the first mysql client (mysqld1):

We see that data is clustered, where the same data is seen from both the mysqld servers client even if we executed transactions from any one of the mysqld server client.


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