MySQL NDB Cluster Replication Topologies (Part – IV)

In this blog, we will discuss, how to setup MySQL NDB Cluster replication through backup and restore method . This is bit tricky but interesting. The scenario here is, say user have a standalone cluster up and running, later there is a need to have a replication setup with an another empty cluster without shutting down the existing running cluster i.e. zero downtime. Then this backup and restore method will come in handy. Let’s create two MySQL NDB Cluster with the following environment, Here, one will be termed as ‘source’ cluster and the other one will be termed as ‘replica’ cluster. MySQL NDB Cluster version (Latest GA version) 1 Management Node 4 Data Nodes 1 MySQLDs Configuration slots for up to 4 additional API nodes Replication schema diagram: CLUSTER 'A' CLUSTER 'B' MySQL (test01) ...